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Time Management

I missed most of it.

* have to be able to say no
* have to be able to delegate

The things we enjoy doing often happen to be what we're good at.

Not Using Petroleum - Boston Skillshare 2009

Led by Mike.

I have a petroleum addiction

you can cut through a log in a minute
you get it done a lot faster, but at what cost, what are we giving up

Using less petroleum or even without it.

How much space do we need? Starting with smaller shelters can cut out a lot of unneeded energy.

Don't need sheetrock or linoleum floors.

Simple Shelters

Wigwam, saplings stuck in ground and bent over.

Earth houses, dig a hole and pile earth back on it. Don't require much materials, earth has stable temperature. But light is really nice, can make you feel better

Consensus with Sean Madsen - Boston Skillshare

Consensus boils down to forming a decision that everyone agrees on.

What happens

Ideally, you don't ever get to that point if you do the rest of it in a good way. If you do...


Being very intentional about the way you do things. If you have people who want this process to be organic, that will be difficult.

Having empathy.

If the group agrees to a time limit on a topic or meeting, make sure upcoming limits are announced in advance.

Check with people who may need to leave early.

Organize For Life by Lorena Prime of Clearly Organized Life at Boston Skillshare

Focus on what is important to you

  1. PWGD/VisionsUnite
  2. Agaric
  3. Economic Equality
  4. Family and friends

Up until 3 years ago I was always 10 minutes late

Orginizing is:
A process
Skills you can learn
A series of habits leaned by repetition

1. Don't know where to put everything that comes in (tax docs, some that had a place, right now)

Have to pick a day and time to do them. You do need to set an appointment with yourself.

Don't spend eight hours straight organizing.

Visualize what success looks like.

Starting a seed library in Boston - Boston Skillshare

Led by Andrew.

The girl1 doing the writing on the blackboard, she talks so quietly!

Girl in the middle back: Stage voice: Somebody is going to have to share a flier with somebody. (Lot of people in the room but I think they had enough.)

One of us in the audience: Avocado can grow six months or more after the seed in there.

Guy in audience: Red Delicious apples once actually were.

We are going to talk about:

Note to self: Introduce yourself

Note to self: Don't just give your business card. Introduce yourself. With your name!

Procrastination session at Boston Skillshare

Presented by Hillary Rettig,

(This followed up the Time Management session. Which I missed.)

Procrastination: a thief of time. (Charles Dickens)

Procrastination isn't because you are weak. It doesn't fight fair.

The War of Art - Steven Pressfield
(Yes, that way around)

Procrastination is a rational response to overwhelmed or fearful feelings, being sick, tired, to interruptions and distractions, unmotivation.

Blame the Cows, India edition

Grandpa blames religion, and in particular veneration of cows, for India's problems bringing modern advantages to the majority of its people (stopped traffic, maximum 15 mph trains). I laugh at this, but it's a reminder to me that I surely overemphasize economic root causes, when clearly religion and culture are powerful forces in their own right.

Fast-food chains appealed a New York law to post calorie information

Forget about not doing it voluntarily, as your right as someone going in to buy something to know what's in it -- ingredients and nutrition should be there also -- they fought the law in court. They have no credibility, ever, for claiming to care one bit about the people they serve.

Fortunately, they lost.

Smaller restaurants, in particular, should be offered assistance in calculating this information, however.

Insight Status

cables are hanging in the back

can't give you any pricing, because he doesn't have anything written down

front break pads and rotors

it's not sticking to the point that you would notice a fuel economy problem
wear out [the back brake pads faster instead]

you do have a check engine light on -- that's where the fuel consumption problems are lying

one of the codes has to do with the oxygen sensor

on these cards, it would need further testing before we can say a certain part is bad

because Jimmy hasn't talked to you

break stuff is pretty cut and dry

Really giving up all internet comics now

If they ever print books of these, feel free to buy them for me. Otherwise this marks the date in the archive I have to go back to and read, when I decide I can add them back in my schedule in a planned manner.

Sam and Fuzzy
Dr. McNinja
Able and Baker
Boy on Stick and Slither
Octopus Pie (a Brooklyn saga)

Thai-inspired vegetable and tofu stir fry minus any thai ingredients

Sesame oil.

A cup or so of baby carrots sliced just a little thin on the rounds. These go in first.
An onion, sliced and chopped.
Red pepper.
Light green pepper. These all went in together.

Firm tofu, sliced and chopped but it ended up scrambled. I should have squeezed more water out of teh tofu, instead I cooked everything forever

Hot green peppers, the little ones. Rescuing the still-good parts of pretty old ones. These were key
Water chestnuts.
A few pickled mushrooms (not too vinegary, the only mushrooms we had)

Added maybe two tablespoons of brown sugar.

Facebook quizzes

Joe Grafton took the "What country should you be from" quiz and the result is: NOBODY GIVES A #@$!

Bob Cronin at 4:36pm March 23
Exactly. Exactly. EXACTLY!

Bob Cronin at 4:36pm March 23
Joe Grafton took the "What country should you be from" quiz and the result is: WE JUST MINED YOUR PERSONAL DATA

Doc Searls talk at Berkman Center on Vendor Relationship Management

Loyalty cards

The green stamps of our time.

Green stamps started in 1800s, peaked in 1950s. Every store had them.

They had to have them.

The bad thing about loyalty cards is they leverage something that's broken about E-commerce: "sign in" and "log in"

They are stupid about the most essential data

point is increasing switching costs.

Got tired of paying +10% for not belonging.

Joining any loyalty program is a pain.

CRM is really about

Spicy concoction of all the vegetables that had to be cooked

OK, not all the vegetables. I put in two point one hot peppers and realized I had better stop, and start adding things to soak up the capsaicin.

Everything chopped on the big wooden cutting board with the big excellent knife that Dan and Shannon bought me for my birthday.

Carrots, baby small ones left and larger baby ones sliced. Not many carrots, really.

Wisdom is the ability to distinguish your business from what's none of your business.

Wisdom is the ability to distinguish your business from what's none of your business.

A community's water supply is the community's business, not Dannon's or Nestle's. Consensual sex is the business of the participants, not any religious body. Conversely, the living standards of the members of a society are that society's collective business. Of course it's not as simple as I'm trying to make it sound.

(I've called this "decisions should be made on the lowest level practical.")

Equality Engine

Andrew Grice on the Greater Economic Equality leads to greater economic growth thesis.

These words leaped out to me last night.


Equality is the engine of economic growth.

Equality IS the engine.

Equality Engine.

Only the engine of equality can restore economic growth and prosperity.


Does this program have an equality engine?

Will this program run on a non-polluting prosperity generating equality engine?

To buy for others

For Mom: Black Haus blackberry brandy.

Bough camera stuff

Adorama - camera supplies.

Good prices. Good selection. Instant shipping.

industrial home
ripen all at once for easy picking